There are many ways to move their bodies depend on it’s culture in the world. Each of them are beautiful and stand to reasons by their traditional clothes, life styles, history, so on. And among them, bahaviour of Japanese women in 着物【KIMONO】is one, worth to appear, appreciate, knowing and take into a part of your life style if you were interested in. Because it is not only for special occasions, but very useful for daily life if you were interested in get a body not get tired and more healthy.
1.What’s 所作【SHOSA】?How Japanese women behave beautifully and elegantly in kimono. Important things are “natural” and “never tired”!!!
2.Introductoin about 佐竹永光【Nagamitsu Satake】, who is a president of Japan Shosa Association and had been taught Shosa for for famous Japanese and world wide for a long time.
3.Let’s learn moving of 舞妓【MAIKO】in 京都【KYOTO】!How to stand, greeting and having an umbrela elegantly!
4. Do you want to learn 所作【SHOSA】more…?We 金魚亭【KINGYOTEI/GOLDFISH CHAF’E】will have online and real events with JSA together in spring,2023 !
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1.What’s 所作【SHOSA】?How Japanese women behave beautifully and elegantly in kimono. Important things are “natural” and “never tired”!!
You might have an image Japanese women wearing 着物【KIMONO】is elegant, smooth and beautiful.
There might be also a image not move humble, and おしとやか【OSHITOYAKA(ladylike,modest,and grateful】. If had an experiences wearing Kimono, your movement might become humble and gentle unconsiousnesly. That’s not only reason Kimono is heavy and difficult to move(>▽<;), your image about Japanese women would work too.
Actually, recent Japanese women’s movement in these days are not so polite like ancient and modern times. Because in Modern Civilization in 明治【MEIJI ARA(1868 -1912 )】or losing in W.W.2, life style of Japanese have changed in Western way and they seldom wear Kimono except special occasions like wedding or ceremonies, and they have through away much of traditional wisdoms which had been improved and protected during a long history, including behavior in kimono.
▶Why we call Japanese Style 和風【WAFUU(Harmonized Style)】instead of 日本風【NIHON-FUU】?
We KINGYOTEI(GOLDFISH CHAF’E)are seeking for these ideas which had been throwing away, get rid of their dust, wipe up beautifully again and show them around easily for activate them.
So, we are going to interview with Mr.Nagamitsu Satake, the leader’s person of teaching Shosa in Japan!
2.Introduction of Mr. Nagamitsu Satake, a president on Japan Shosa Association who had been taught Shosa for for famous Japaneses and world wide for a long time.

Introduction of Mr.佐竹永光【SATAKE NAGAMITSU】:
He coached Japanese dance at world famous film director 黒澤明【KUROSAWA AKIRA】’s Movie 「夢(DREAM)」and he danced in the movie, too. He taught at actress auditions of NHK大河ドラマ(Taiga Drama/Japanese most famous TV series of historical dramas ), NHK 紅白歌合戦【KOUHAKU-UTAGASSEN(Red and White Song Battle, the most famous music show in the end of every year), performance show of very famous 演歌【ENKA(Traditional Japanese Ballad)】 singers.
He had been taught Shosa in 38 countries by requests of Japanese Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Japan Foundation.
He had been practicing Japanese traditional dance for more than 50 years. His name as Japanese traditional dancer is 尾上鷹乃里【ONOE-TAKANORI】. He won the 1st. prize at All Japan Dance Competition by Tokyo shimbun (newspaper company) and got many other prizes like ministry of foreign affairs award, Governor of Tokyo award.
Now, he is a president of JSA (Japan Shosa Association) and teaching Shosa for many women to let them express their selves freely and beautifully, to make this world more peaceful place.
3.Let’s learn moving of 舞妓【MAIKO】in 京都【KYOTO】!How to stand, greeting and having an umbrella elegantly!
Mr. Satake says, wearing 着物【KIMONO】 or walking with 草履【ZOURI(Traditional Japanese Sandal)】might be looking very unfree and inconvenient, but it contributed to make a habit to train their body(for example, train their trunk and visceral muscle, balance your right body and left body alternately with your shaft twist. )and prevent to damage their body by make yourself loosen without unnecessary strength.
Not to work hard, never over doing, don’t make you nervous, and just relax and open your body and spirit freely to the outside.
Try to behave to be looked beautiful is not a purpose. Treating your body gently and charishly naturally makes you look beautiful.
As some examples of Japanese women’s traditional movement, let’s see how 芸妓【GEIGI】in 京都【KYOTO】stand, greeting and having an umbrella!
4. Do you want to learn 所作【SHOSA】more…?We 金魚亭【KINGYOTEI/GOLDFISH CHAF’E】will have online and real events with JSA together in spring,2023 !
If you wanted to know about 所作【SHOSA】more, Please contact us.
It is not only for special occasions wearing kimono, but it’s very useful method for daily life if you were interested in get a body not “get tired” and more healthy spirit.
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