1.At the beginning of JAPANESE LANGAGE learning…
2.Those few words will work!!For the persons who want to communicate or visit Japan.

It is said that Japanese Language is difficult for English speakers because a curriculum of learning in army when W.W.2 takes the most hours as same as Russian.

Japanese language has 3 kinds of notations:
ひらがな【HIRAGANA】, カタカナ【KATAKANA】and 漢字【KANJI】.

HIRAGANA and KATAKANA have each 50 kinds of alphabet and same phenomenon each other.
For example, あ and ア is same pronunciation “a”.

あいうえお  a i u e o
かきくけこ ka ki ku ke ko
さしすせそ sa si su se so
たちつてと ta ti tu te to
なにぬねの na ni nu ne no
はひふへほ ha hi hu he ho
まみむめも ma mi mu me mo
や ゆ よ ya yu yo
わ を ん wa wo n

アイウエオ a i u e o
カキクケコ ka ki ku ke ko
サシスセソ sa si su se so
タチツテト ta ti tu te to
ナニヌネノ na ni nu ne no
ハヒフヘホ ha hi hu he ho
マミムメモ ma mi mu me mo
ヤ ユ ヨ ya yu yo
ワ ヲ ン wa wo n

There are about commonly used 2136 KANJIS(4388音訓[2352音・2036訓])and Japanese student learn them in Japanese class through elementary school and junior high school, among 9 years( 1 year=80 2year=200 3 year=202 4year=193 5year=191 / 1026 +1110).

一 one 二 two 三 Three 車 Car  日 気 右 左 雨 円 音 
王 下 空 月 花 赤 犬 上 目 木 林 
森 青 山 海 糸 小 子 女 早 草 男
人 生 町 立 年 虫 耳 ・・・ 

You can write Japanese only by HIRAGANA( actually, children who just started to write Japanese use letters only by HIRAGATA) but when you mix KANJI and some KATAKANA for foreign things, it would be more matured Japanese.


●はじめまして。わたしのなまえはまじまめぐです。しゅみは、すきーです。(Only HIRAGANA)

●初めまして。私の名前は間嶋めぐです。趣味は、スキーです。(Mixed with Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji)

HIRAGANA is used to write down Japanese

KATAKANA is used to write down foreign words. Or we can use them just to express phenomenon( It empasize just noise or voice, so works to curious or strange. They are also often used as ONOMATOPE.

Ex. コーヒー(KO-HIー) コーラ(KO-RA)マクドナルド(MAKUDONARUDO)
「ワレワレ ハ ウチュウジン ダ 👽」
ドキドキ ワクワク ドッカーン!! ダンダン!

KANJI is used to write down things imported from China( or Ancient countries existed around China now ex. 呉【GO】/漢【KAN】 ). They are


We can use depend on
HIRAGANA is soft, KANJI also have meaning with their shapes.

一 二 三 山 川 日  ←Guess what do those KANJIs mean? 
木 林 森 

You might hesitate to start Japanese language, but it’s a vary profound and rich language huge expressions is possible.
For example, let’s see an abundance of first person and which one your favorite ANIME or MANGA’s character use. Lepertries of end of weords are different depend on sex, age and their characters. If you mastered Japanese, you can enjoy his/her deeply by reading them in Japanese.