子・丑・寅・卯・辰・巳・午・未・申・酉・戌・亥 Mouse,Ox,Tiger,Rabbit,Dragon,Snake,Horse,Sheep,Monky,Looster,Dog, Boar. There is a custom to name each year 12 animals in Japan and other Asian countries. In addition, 12 years (= 144 months) is sometimes called one round as a method of expressing the age difference, etc., in connection with the zodiac. People send new year postcards with that year's animal in a new year. Everyone know their zodiac animal depend on their birth year. The men who was born that animals year are called 年男【TOSHI OTOKO(Year Male)】and women are 年女【TOSHI ONNA(Year Female)】. Traditionally, they have roles like throwing beans to 鬼【ONI(Japanese Demons)】on 節分【SETSUBUN】February 3rd. or preparing new year event mainly. Because they are auspicious person. Recently, it is getting rale though and we can find them only in middle aged dramas or traditional architects names, there were customs to show times of a 24 hours of a day and every directions.
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