女池菜【MEIKE-NA】literally means MEIKE-Leaves. It’s a kind of 冬菜【TOU-NA(Winter-Leaves)】.
It is a traditional and domestic vegetable which had been grown from 明治【MEIJI】Era, in 女池【MEIKE(Woman Pond)】Area in 新潟市【NIIGATA-CITY】.
Core part of MEIKENA become soft and slightely sweet under the snow, between winter.
It’s precious vegetable providing vaitamineA・C・B1・B2, minerals and calcium during winter. Calcium of MEIKENA is 3 times of spinatch.
They are provided in winter( from the beginning of December to the and of April), there are no warms and need less pesticides.
おひたし【OHITASHI】(Boiled and apply 出汁【DASHI】soup stock ) is popular way to cook among domestic people.
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