At the beginning of 明治【MEIJI】Restoration(1872), Japanese government abolished the lunar calendar (solar lunar calendar), which was used from ancient time, and started to use the new calendar (solar calendar) imported from western countries.
Therefore, traditional seasonal events are about one month later compared to the current calendar and there is a little sad gap here.

Peach blossoms does not bloom in the 桃の節句【MOMO NO SEKKU/Peach Flower Seasonal Day 】: on March 3rd.,
Iris flowers do not bloom in the 菖蒲の節句【SYOBU NO SEKKU/ Iris Festival Seasonal Day】: on May 5th.,
The Milky Way cannot be seen in the rainy season in 七夕【TANABATA/Star Festival Day 】on July 7th every years…
So, we 金魚亭【Kingyotei/Goldfish Cafe】recommend you to have tradition events in old- lunar calendar, even it’s one month late than usual. And you can enjoy the atmosphere of the event for more one month!

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