It is said Japan have 4 beautiful seasons, actually it has more than 100 seasons. Japan has many traditional events through a year.

1.五節句【GO-SEKKU】Five main traditional events:
・桃【MOMO(Peach Flower Festival)】
COLUMN;What are roles of dolls of HINA DOLLS in Peach Flower Festival?
2.二十四節季【NIJYUUSHI-SEKKI】Twenty four Seasons
3. 七十二候【SICHIJYUUNI-KOU】Seventy two Seasons
COLUMN:The reason of Ancient 春秋戦国【SHUNJYUU-SENGOKU】country 秦【SHIN】’s culture like 陰陽五行【IN-YOU-GOGYOU】Minus Plus and Five Elements, 二十四節季【NIJYUUSI-EKKI】Twenty four seosons,七十二候【SICHIJYUUNI- KOU】Seventy two seasons are still remains in Japan until today.
4. 雑節【ZASSETSU】Other seasons division unique to Japan
5.What’s 旧暦【KYUU-REKI】?
Japanese Old Lunar Calendar matches more to Japanese seasonal events than New Sun Calendar imported from western countries.
6.National Holidays
7. Other Seasonal Events.
・お月見【O-TSUKIMI】Moon viewing
・後の月見【NOCHI NO TSUKIMI】 Late-moon viewing